St. Marys, Ontario | Canada

— Stories: Campaign Goal Reached! —

Campaign Goal Reached!

The St. Marys Healthcare Foundation (SMHF) is ecstatic to announce that it has reached its campaign goal of $3 million for the Here For You Today, Building For Tomorrow capital campaign. These funds are being used to renovate the East and West Wings of the St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Construction on the East Wing is ongoing and has included upgrades such as; new ducting and electrical throughout the hospital, new headwalls and patient lifts in all patient rooms, barrier-free washrooms, and a new mechanical system for the isolation room. More than 400 community members, businesses and service clubs have generously donated, contributing to the success of this campaign. 

“This is absolutely outstanding and a testament to the incredible leadership of the Foundation and the wonderful support of our community,” said Andrew Williams, President and CEO of HPHA. 

This capital campaign succeeded because of a community-wide effort. From local children organizing fundraiser lemonade stands, businesses making donations, and municipal councils voting to support on behalf of the community, every contribution mattered.

“I want to thank campaign chair Ken McCutcheon for his leadership throughout this campaign! This has truly been a team effort by all the foundation directors and staff,” said Cindy Bilyea, SMHF Board Chair. 

With the Foundation reaching its campaign goal, continued fundraising efforts will focus on new and upgraded equipment for the St. Marys Memorial Hospital and community healthcare support. Visit the Foundation’s website at or follow on Facebook at St.MarysHealthcareFoundation to learn about all of the supported initiatives, ongoing fundraising efforts, and how you can get involved.